You don't need perfect gear
Message #780 by:  Advocate's friend
Posted on:  Monday 16th of February 2004 at 2:13 pm
I got a boat last year for 1200 quid and 1) It floats (well okay it does swallow a bit of water) 2) It goes. Fast.
Sure the newer boats will win you the race but a cheaper one will still blast you around a lake, plus you won't be quite so upset when you break it.

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 wanted by Ben Salt on 10.02.2004
     looking for a boat by ryan on 10.02.2004
          shame by Ben Salt on 14.02.2004
               hobies can be found for under 1.5k!!! by devil's advocate on 16.02.2004
                    You don't need perfect gear by Advocate's friend on 16.02.2004
                         loads for your money by Queen's Counsel on 16.02.2004

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