looking for a boat
Message #775 by:  ryan
Posted on:  Tuesday 10th of February 2004 at 5:19 pm
you'll get a poor boat for 1500, unfortunately. Whilst
'16's lose their value very quickly, they level out at
around 3000, and anything below 2000 tends to be a
real shed.
Loads of great bargains - boats only 3 or 4 years old to
be had for 3000.

happy hunting


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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 wanted by Ben Salt on 10.02.2004
     looking for a boat by ryan on 10.02.2004
          shame by Ben Salt on 14.02.2004
               hobies can be found for under 1.5k!!! by devil's advocate on 16.02.2004
                    You don't need perfect gear by Advocate's friend on 16.02.2004
                         loads for your money by Queen's Counsel on 16.02.2004

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