RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing
Message #371 by:  James Power
Posted on:  Thursday 24th of October 2002 at 4:23 pm

5000-6000 less than 1 year old
4000-5000 1-2 years old
3000-4000 3-4 years old
2000-3000 4-6 years old
<2000 more than 6 years old

These are rough guidlines, there are some bargains and they are also some con-artists out there.

However, age is not necessarily the best measure for the price of a boat. Usage, maintenance and care of a boat can make its worth change considerably.

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Messages in this thread:
used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 24.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by James Power on 24.10.2002
          RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
               RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
                    RE: RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 27.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
     hobi sailing by James Cosmo on 18.04.2003
          hc 14 by Ricardo Moreira on 25.11.2003

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