used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing
Message #369 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 24th of October 2002 at 3:03 pm
after years of sailing dinghys i'm in the process of looking for an older used hobie 16 (having recently joined a club that allows cats), to be used more for freesailing than racing. i've read the advice on buying used on this forum, but can anyone point me to, or give me a rough guide, as to price ranges according to age of boat?

second question. i'm fairly sure i read that a 16 can be sailed singlehandedly. how realistic is this, any advice?

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Messages in this thread:
used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 24.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by James Power on 24.10.2002
          RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
               RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
                    RE: RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 27.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
     hobi sailing by James Cosmo on 18.04.2003
          hc 14 by Ricardo Moreira on 25.11.2003

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