RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing
Message #375 by:  Anonymous
Posted on:  Friday 25th of October 2002 at 1:43 pm
thanks for the advice, much appreciated. but having read it a few more questions...

i'm about 5ft11 and 16stone, would it be advatageous to get a smaller jib for singlehanded sailing?

the capsizing issue was something else i wondered, i've always been told that cats are 'impossible' to right especially if they turn turtle? is this just a folk tale designed by the monohull shepherds to stop their flock straying off? i've also see a mast-top float, but are these akin to water wings?

i'm also curious on the con-artist quote, are there any standard tricks i should watch out for? i'm looking for a boat in the 1k category if that makes any difference.

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Messages in this thread:
used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 24.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by James Power on 24.10.2002
          RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
               RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
                    RE: RE: RE: RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 27.10.2002
     RE: used hobie 16 prices, singlehanded sailing by Anonymous on 25.10.2002
     hobi sailing by James Cosmo on 18.04.2003
          hc 14 by Ricardo Moreira on 25.11.2003

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