Message #949 by:  Bobby G
Posted on:  Monday 12th of July 2004 at 12:20 am
Helm goes in. Do not ease the main until you are head to wind.
Crew does not ease the jib until it has filled on the other side and the the cat has fully tacked.
Some Hobie sailors sail with one rudder blade up. It is not seamanlike and there is no gain.
Buy a modern cat and you will not have any problem tacking ! ! !

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Messages in this thread:
Tacking by Amish on 05.07.2004
     Training by Dave Cooper on 06.07.2004
          Please help by Amish on 06.07.2004
     Tacking by Bobby G on 12.07.2004
          rudder up by beg to differ.... on 12.07.2004
               rudder up? by maybe....... on 14.08.2004
                    toe out by Nonsense!!! on 16.08.2004

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