Message #940 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 5th of July 2004 at 7:16 am
what are the cew actions and the helmsman's actions during a tack in about 15 knots wind with swelly seas?as of now (just to avoid those nasty nose up capsizes)we've been dpoing it this way:

1. goes in
2. then bears in and eases the main a bit.
3. Gets on the other side ond hooks on.
1. (asthe helm goes in) goes aft on the wire
2. eases the jib (to help the bow swinging in to the wind)
3. as the boat goes through head to wind, crosses over and sheets the jib in then takes over the main and the traveller.
4.hand over the main sheet and keeps the traveller.

This is how we've been doing it.but,dont want to develop any bad habits.any chance i can get a step by step procedure how to go about it?we dont have anyone to see and learn over here....

Also,i was just going through the class rules where it says that adjustable Trapeze wires are permitted.Do most people use them?are they better of?do they use the same system as a 420?

What about foot straps on the side bars?are they allowed and good in especially rough seas?
can you suggest some techniques to improve boat handling?(e.g.in the 420's,we used to sail with the rudder blade up)
Thank You very much!

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Messages in this thread:
Tacking by Amish on 05.07.2004
     Training by Dave Cooper on 06.07.2004
          Please help by Amish on 06.07.2004
     Tacking by Bobby G on 12.07.2004
          rudder up by beg to differ.... on 12.07.2004
               rudder up? by maybe....... on 14.08.2004
                    toe out by Nonsense!!! on 16.08.2004

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