Message #807 by:  Kearnsy
Posted on:  Monday 1st of March 2004 at 11:22 pm
Also remember that the tighter you have your tramp and the further in you have your beams then the less height you will effectively have whilst trappezing. Its only a small distance but something to have in mind. Tramp tightening when working the lacing through is also much much easier when done with two people. One to pull thorough and get it tight and then the second to hold it tight whilst the other gets the next part tight again.
Have fun

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 by Gerry on 29.02.2004
     mesh tramp by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 29.02.2004
          too tight? by tramp tightener on 01.03.2004
               distances by Kearnsy on 01.03.2004
               Too tight ? by Frank on 01.03.2004
                    anything will! by the tightener on 02.03.2004
          frame tightning by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 02.03.2004
               Damage by Kearnsy on 02.03.2004
                    yes, but!!! by El Tightenor on 03.03.2004
                         Stiffening the H16 by Dave on 09.03.2004

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