Hobie 16
Message #804 by:  Gerry
Posted on:  Sunday 29th of February 2004 at 9:45 pm
Can anyone tell me the best way to get MAX!!! tension
on a H16 3 part mesh trampoline when putting it together.
Thanks Gerry B.S.C.

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 by Gerry on 29.02.2004
     mesh tramp by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 29.02.2004
          too tight? by tramp tightener on 01.03.2004
               distances by Kearnsy on 01.03.2004
               Too tight ? by Frank on 01.03.2004
                    anything will! by the tightener on 02.03.2004
          frame tightning by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 02.03.2004
               Damage by Kearnsy on 02.03.2004
                    yes, but!!! by El Tightenor on 03.03.2004
                         Stiffening the H16 by Dave on 09.03.2004

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