Youth Sailors
Message #794 by:  Ben
Posted on:  Monday 23rd of February 2004 at 11:11 am
Its an old point we keep coming back to but a very valid one. It is ture that the class association has gone downhill slightly in the past two or three years, but i feel now it is definately on the way back up, with the expansion of the T/T circuit making it more national again to suit more hobie sailors and infact inconveniencing the youth sailors and their parents who run the BHCCA.

At the nationals this year everyone had the opertunity to join the comittee or you could even have asked someone to nominate you in your absence. I am not critizing you for not coming forward but i do think that it is rude and arrogant to have a stab at something when you offer to do nothing to rectify the situation. Are you a member even?

Yes the youths will move on but the current youth fleet replaced youths of the past such as marcus lynch and jamie smith, jon worthington and tom quale. in turn the youth sailors today shall be replaced. hopefully this will keep the class association alive so you adults will not have de-valued boats and will still have this chat room to rant about what is not right with hoibie sailing today.

no offence intended to anyone, Hobie class trainning can set you up and there are boats to suit any budget around. Hobie cat poole or this web site can sort you out.


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Messages in this thread:
New sailor - stupid questions by Erik on 19.02.2004
     new boat by ....the Viking on 20.02.2004
          Youth Sailors by Ben on 23.02.2004
     Erik a reply by Chris Mansfield on 20.02.2004

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