New sailor - stupid questions
Message #787 by:  Erik
Posted on:  Thursday 19th of February 2004 at 5:17 pm
Hi everyone.

I've been racing Dart 15s singlehandedly for about 6 years (even won a few races!) so consider myself a pretty experienced sailor.

I've managed to persuade my better half to start sailing with me so the Dart 15 won't do anymore. I'm looking for a replacement boat and struggling to make up my mind. I love trapezing so I would like a twin trapeze boat. This rules out the whole Dart range.

I'd ideally like a manageable boat which is fun to sail but also some friendly competition. This only really leaves the Hobie 16, Prindle 16, a small Nacra etc.

Like most Dart sailors I've never seriously considered a Hobie before (or banana boat as we call them....) but it seems to make sense now.

I would appreciate some honest opinions from people who were faced with the similar situation and opted for the Hobie 16. Good points/Bad points etc etc. I'll be posting this same message on a few different class pages to see what people really think of their boats/associations.

Any honest opinions are greatly appreciated!!

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Messages in this thread:
New sailor - stupid questions by Erik on 19.02.2004
     new boat by ....the Viking on 20.02.2004
          Youth Sailors by Ben on 23.02.2004
     Erik a reply by Chris Mansfield on 20.02.2004

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