Erik a reply
Message #791 by:  Chris Mansfield
Posted on:  Friday 20th of February 2004 at 6:33 pm
Unlike other answers you have had I am not worried about having my name in print and giving a straight answer. The Spitfire is a good boat however as they are a fairly new class the second hand boats are still fairly expencive. Hobie 16's are available to suit most pockets and as a class there is regular training for all Hobie 16 sailors who have boats. (This weekend was cancilled owing to the weather forcast.) Look under the contact section and come and join us. If you are looking for a boat look at the boats for sale.

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Messages in this thread:
New sailor - stupid questions by Erik on 19.02.2004
     new boat by ....the Viking on 20.02.2004
          Youth Sailors by Ben on 23.02.2004
     Erik a reply by Chris Mansfield on 20.02.2004

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