Message #525 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 11th of June 2003 at 10:46 am
Ben, Thanks, at last someone who doesn't talk chocolate fireguards, or handbrakes for canoes.

Poole is my choice on account of its proximity to home, and in fact Coolcats is where I did my weekends course. Having sailed on that side of Poole and found it generally to my liking, I would hope to sail more there as opposed to within the harbour. I've been on the chain ferry many times - prsumably it is easy enough for a small cat to shoot the entrance if one needs to?(wind dependent of course).

£3000 is about my budget;having done some searches there appear to be some around with some good packages - trailer, launching trolley etc. I've seen a couple of 16s for £3000 both about 1988/89 vintage. Is that reasonable?

Sorry to bore you with trivia! Thanks again.


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Buying a Hobie by Andrew Heywood on 09.06.2003
     buying a Hobie by JimBob on 10.06.2003
          Buying cats by Terrence on 10.06.2003
     hobies by Ben on 10.06.2003
          Thanks by Andrew Heywood on 11.06.2003
               Hobies by ben on 11.06.2003

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