RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments
Message #140 by: 
Posted on:  Friday 10th of May 2002 at 8:56 am
The Hobie 16 is a fantastic boat, however it is an old and outdated design that has lived on and remains a fantastic boat to sail. Its joy is its simplicity. Anyone can sail it, but to sail it well takes a great deal of skill. It is a testament to this that it is still so hugely popular throughout the world. Too many modifications in my mind will damage the integrity of this boat, essentially designed for ramming up the beach and surfing big waves.

If you want all the modern sail controls, buy a modern boat! Improve what is there, but do not add anything. These modifications will not significantly increase the boats performance in a handicap fleet with modern boats, and in one design racing will only serve to produce a two tier fleet - the haves and the have-nots.

Any amendments must be retro fitable to existing 16's

Yes - the rudders could do with an upgrade - a perennial problem
Yes - an improved downhaul system

It would be nice to see a spinaker issued as standard, but for class
racing i think it should be avoided.

No - to mast rotation control
No - to more halyard tension control
No - to more outhaul control (its fine!)

Just a few thoughts!!!
I hope someone agrees!
Keep up the good website, James

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Messages in this thread:
Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by James Power on 09.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Chris Browning on 10.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by John Polley on 12.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 16.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 12.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 17.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Mark Farrow on 20.05.2002

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