RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments
Message #143 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 12th of May 2002 at 1:26 am
Sorry, dont think I have a password!

Been sailing my H14 Classic for just over 25 years, always wished it had a mast spanner, ever since I ugraded to the class from my fragile my Unicorn, which of course had one!

No desire to see any of the other, in my view, unnecessay add-ons. As Chris Browning says the beauty of the H16 is it's simplicity, this also applies just as much perhaps more so, to the original Hobie - the Fourteen.

Thanks for airing these proposals.

Nick Hardacre

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Messages in this thread:
Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by James Power on 09.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Chris Browning on 10.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by John Polley on 12.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 16.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 12.05.2002
     RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Anonymous on 17.05.2002
          RE: RE: Potential H14/H16 upgrades comments by Mark Farrow on 20.05.2002

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