Surfing the hobie 16
Message #615 by:  Dave
Posted on:  Monday 15th of September 2003 at 1:24 pm
Can anyone tell me what sort of swells (unbroken) I can take my hobie 16 out on, and what the pitfalls are? Never been out on more than knee height before, but quite fancy a go on some bigger stuff.

Ta, Dave.

Message #618 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 16th of September 2003 at 9:26 am
We, the squad went out to the race at Portland where it was maaasssssiiivvvveeeee! By masive i mean prob about all of 7-8 foot. Good fun. Prob could take it out in more but ud have to travel to hawaii to find them bigger.

big waves!!
Message #619 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 16th of September 2003 at 6:35 pm
well we went a little bit further than kearnsy and it was fun to begin with but got a bit dangerous after we found 10ft+ waves and that was a bit scary so be careful if you go out there! dont go to fat and make sure theres enough wind to get back in because the tide is very strong on springs!!

Message #633 by:  ben
Posted on:  Thursday 25th of September 2003 at 6:19 pm
the limit is usualy what the launch conditions are like.just bear in mind youl need to use the traveller alot because of the way the boat will accelerate on a wave.also a compass/gps is handy as it is very easy to get disoriantated when you cant see the beach.bear in mind though that with big big waves there usually is big winds so you wouldnt sail anyway.
hope thats more helpful.

more waves
Message #635 by:  Dave
Posted on:  Tuesday 30th of September 2003 at 4:26 pm
Thanks for your advice. I sail off N. Cornwall so it's quite possible I'll be able to sail bigish swells even when the wind's dropped. Surprised at what people have been out in though.

One thing about the traveller - should I be able to adjust that when the main's sheeted in? Ours won't budge unless I sheet right out first. Can't I just release some mainsheet to depower down the waves?

Big waves
Message #651 by:  Jeremy
Posted on:  Friday 17th of October 2003 at 9:42 pm

If you do sail in North Cornwall, have a go with some of the big waves in the Camel Estuary (if you haven't already). Doom Bar is aptly named (10ft+) and when the surf kicks there it is really only Hobies and kitesurfers that can go through. It has sometimes been so big and breaking that our only considered option was to say "oh s%^t" and let go everything and hold onto the front cross-bar.

We were surfing on the Polzeath waves the other day in HC16 and getting in close to the beach and the proper surfers. Bit dangerous at this time of year as there are loads of people in the water. Nov - Apr is normally the best time to surf into Polzeath through the breaking waves, but make sure you commit yourself early, get the weight right back and have a x-shore wind otherwise getting back out is a nightmare.

If you are surfing Doom Bar, having the crew out on the trapeze can be vaguely amusing as you can surf along the breaking wave with the windward hull just clear of the foam but your crew's head is right in the wave.....I don't advise doing this with girlfriends unless you know them well!!

Final point, three of us in HC16s were surfing the Bar last year and suddenly some Dolphins started playing with us and swimming between the hulls. It might have been pretty amazing, but it was also pretty scary as they were as big as the boat (and a lot quicker!)

Camel Antics
Message #655 by:  Dave
Posted on:  Monday 20th of October 2003 at 4:41 pm
Thanks again to everyone who's given some advice etc.

Jeremy - I do indeed sail on the Camel Estuary - ours is the most scrotey boat in the park - called Haste with mankey old blue sails. You may even have noticed us practicing for the national pitchpoling champs this summer.
Have been out past Daymer but not round to Polzeath yet, surf no more than waiste height unbroken, but good fun nontheless with two on the wire. Surfing the doombar sounds interesting, though in biggish surf a bit suicidal I would imagine. Don't you get abuse from the surfers on polzeath taking your 16 in there? The most (un)radical thing we've done so far was rip our main in half on the moorings outside the RSC in a force 6, and were forced to do the walk of shame, pushing our seaweed, sand and shit covered boat down the road by the mariners in front of all the posh totty.
PS How do I find out about this 'unofficial' H16 racing scene on the Camel?

Cornish Waves
Message #663 by:  Ben Mansfield
Posted on:  Wednesday 22nd of October 2003 at 9:20 pm
Since you guys sail on the north coast i gust you don't get much of a swell on an easterly, but have you tried falmouth bay? we went there the week after the nationals and found 6 to 8 foot clean wave. we were taking off while twin wire reaching in a force 5

cornish waves
Message #691 by:  Jeremy
Posted on:  Saturday 15th of November 2003 at 6:12 pm

You're right, Easterlies don't do much on our side and we really ought to take our boats to Falmouth as I have heard how sensational it is.

I have sailed it from St Mawes in the past, but like all these things it is finding the time.


Message #653 by:  ben
Posted on:  Sunday 19th of October 2003 at 4:03 pm
you should be able to adjust the traveller even with the main in fully. i suggest a thorough clean out of the track and then use dry lube.Otherwise look to update to a roller bearing traveller if you have the split slider style one. If you already have the roller bearing style take it out to check for any wear caused by friction due to sand/dirt.
Hope that helps

big wave hobie rides
Message #708 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 24th of November 2003 at 6:32 am
Hi Iv'e been sailing hobies for a couple of years. I just started sailing a 16hc. We had a big east swell in Hawaii. My partner and I estimated that we took about a 30 foot wave. It was definantly mast hi. We were going straight into it and jibed at the top. When we made the massive drop my friend got washed off. I was holding onto the rear crossbar. It might be a good thing he fell off as the additional weight in the front of the boat could have caused problems at the bottom of the wave. We considered ourselves pretty lucky to make it, Iv'e payed some dues and finally instead of it getting me I got it. Aloha Jamie

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