big wave hobie rides
Message #708 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 24th of November 2003 at 6:32 am
Hi Iv'e been sailing hobies for a couple of years. I just started sailing a 16hc. We had a big east swell in Hawaii. My partner and I estimated that we took about a 30 foot wave. It was definantly mast hi. We were going straight into it and jibed at the top. When we made the massive drop my friend got washed off. I was holding onto the rear crossbar. It might be a good thing he fell off as the additional weight in the front of the boat could have caused problems at the bottom of the wave. We considered ourselves pretty lucky to make it, Iv'e payed some dues and finally instead of it getting me I got it. Aloha Jamie

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Messages in this thread:
Surfing the hobie 16 by Dave on 15.09.2003
     HUGE by Kearnsy on 16.09.2003
     big waves!! by Justin Martin (perry) on 16.09.2003
     waves by ben on 25.09.2003
          more waves by Dave on 30.09.2003
               Big waves by Jeremy on 17.10.2003
                    Camel Antics by Dave on 20.10.2003
                         Cornish Waves by Ben Mansfield on 22.10.2003
                              cornish waves by Jeremy on 15.11.2003
               traveller by ben on 19.10.2003
     big wave hobie rides by jamie on 24.11.2003

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