Camel Antics
Message #655 by:  Dave
Posted on:  Monday 20th of October 2003 at 4:41 pm
Thanks again to everyone who's given some advice etc.

Jeremy - I do indeed sail on the Camel Estuary - ours is the most scrotey boat in the park - called Haste with mankey old blue sails. You may even have noticed us practicing for the national pitchpoling champs this summer.
Have been out past Daymer but not round to Polzeath yet, surf no more than waiste height unbroken, but good fun nontheless with two on the wire. Surfing the doombar sounds interesting, though in biggish surf a bit suicidal I would imagine. Don't you get abuse from the surfers on polzeath taking your 16 in there? The most (un)radical thing we've done so far was rip our main in half on the moorings outside the RSC in a force 6, and were forced to do the walk of shame, pushing our seaweed, sand and shit covered boat down the road by the mariners in front of all the posh totty.
PS How do I find out about this 'unofficial' H16 racing scene on the Camel?

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Messages in this thread:
Surfing the hobie 16 by Dave on 15.09.2003
     HUGE by Kearnsy on 16.09.2003
     big waves!! by Justin Martin (perry) on 16.09.2003
     waves by ben on 25.09.2003
          more waves by Dave on 30.09.2003
               Big waves by Jeremy on 17.10.2003
                    Camel Antics by Dave on 20.10.2003
                         Cornish Waves by Ben Mansfield on 22.10.2003
                              cornish waves by Jeremy on 15.11.2003
               traveller by ben on 19.10.2003
     big wave hobie rides by jamie on 24.11.2003

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