Message #653 by:  ben
Posted on:  Sunday 19th of October 2003 at 4:03 pm
you should be able to adjust the traveller even with the main in fully. i suggest a thorough clean out of the track and then use dry lube.Otherwise look to update to a roller bearing traveller if you have the split slider style one. If you already have the roller bearing style take it out to check for any wear caused by friction due to sand/dirt.
Hope that helps

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Messages in this thread:
Surfing the hobie 16 by Dave on 15.09.2003
     HUGE by Kearnsy on 16.09.2003
     big waves!! by Justin Martin (perry) on 16.09.2003
     waves by ben on 25.09.2003
          more waves by Dave on 30.09.2003
               Big waves by Jeremy on 17.10.2003
                    Camel Antics by Dave on 20.10.2003
                         Cornish Waves by Ben Mansfield on 22.10.2003
                              cornish waves by Jeremy on 15.11.2003
               traveller by ben on 19.10.2003
     big wave hobie rides by jamie on 24.11.2003

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