tramp again and new question
Message #982 by:  steve miles
Posted on:  Friday 6th of August 2004 at 4:01 pm
Thanks for the help, I found a person who makes covers etc in Inverness he is going to replace the bolt rope for me. He has measured the old very flattend poly prop rope ( very cheap rope!!! is this standard?)at 10mm dia and is going to replace it with a 12mm good quality rope. i thinkk that will do the trick.

My next question is how do you know when you have the trampoine at the corrrect tension? or is it a matter of personal preference?

cheers again to those have replied previously

its great for me to use the site and get answers, being new to sailing and very new to sailing a cat your info is invaluable, especially as hardly anybody sails a cat in the far north of Scotland so it's difficult to ask anybody face to face



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Messages in this thread:
hobie cat 16 trampoline by Steve Miles on 01.08.2004
     tramp by tramp man on 02.08.2004
          trampoline by steve miles on 02.08.2004
               Tramp by JON on 02.08.2004
                    Spot the typo! by Jon on 02.08.2004
                    cheap sailmaker by no way! on 02.08.2004
                    tramp again and new question by steve miles on 06.08.2004
                         Tight tramp by Jon Worthington on 06.08.2004
                         Cats in Scotland by Chris Browning on 09.08.2004

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