hobie cat 16 trampoline
Message #968 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 1st of August 2004 at 6:08 pm
Hi all
I have recentlty purchased at 16 which dates from about 1982. while out sailing today i find that the trampoline is coming out of the front cross member groove. This must be a problem with cats of that era as the previous owner had attempted to put eyelets in the trampoline to stop it moving aftwards. Does anybody have a cat of similar age with the same problem? I would be very interested to know how you overcame this problem. I can be contacted at [email protected] or through this site. I'm desperate to get back out sailng! so any suggestions please

Best regards

Steve miles

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Messages in this thread:
hobie cat 16 trampoline by Steve Miles on 01.08.2004
     tramp by tramp man on 02.08.2004
          trampoline by steve miles on 02.08.2004
               Tramp by JON on 02.08.2004
                    Spot the typo! by Jon on 02.08.2004
                    cheap sailmaker by no way! on 02.08.2004
                    tramp again and new question by steve miles on 06.08.2004
                         Tight tramp by Jon Worthington on 06.08.2004
                         Cats in Scotland by Chris Browning on 09.08.2004

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