FXOnes at Loch Ness Monster Race???!!!
Message #967 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 29th of July 2004 at 2:06 pm
London Calling,
We would love to see some of your FXOne fleet up in
Scotland for the Loch ness Monster Race.
We have other single handed entries including Inter
17's and Shadows, so lets see how they all get on

Further info at www.snecca.org.uk or email me at
[email protected]


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Messages in this thread:
How fast are Hobie 17's by Richard Smith on 05.05.2004
     Hobie 17 by Jim Glanden on 02.06.2004
          FX One by London calling on 28.07.2004
               FXOnes at Loch Ness Monster Race???!!! by Chris Browning on 29.07.2004

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