How fast are Hobie 17's
Message #872 by:  Richard Smith
Posted on:  Wednesday 5th of May 2004 at 7:40 am
I am thinking of buying a hobie 17 but have very little knowledge about them. The boat has no jib but has a large mainsail aswell as wings. I have heard the boat is fairly heavy. Is the Hobie 16 quicker than the 17 as i fancy a boat which is reasonably quick. If anyone could give me some advice it would be much appreciated thank you

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Messages in this thread:
How fast are Hobie 17's by Richard Smith on 05.05.2004
     Hobie 17 by Jim Glanden on 02.06.2004
          FX One by London calling on 28.07.2004
               FXOnes at Loch Ness Monster Race???!!! by Chris Browning on 29.07.2004

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