new second hand Hobie
Message #844 by:  Graham T
Posted on:  Wednesday 31st of March 2004 at 5:10 pm
I an seriously considering buying a second hand Hobie
16 with a budget of around £3,000.
Can anyone tell me (impartially!)
a) what age of boat / sail number should i be a ble to
b) what are the key problems / deffects i should look out
for on a boat this age?

thanks in advance
ex-monohull Graham

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Messages in this thread:
new second hand Hobie by Graham T on 31.03.2004
     If I may, Graham... by Sneaky Stan on 06.04.2004
     Second Hand by Chris on 06.04.2004
          Thanks Chris and Stan by Graham T on 07.04.2004
               re. Thanks Chris and Stan by Youth sailor on 20.04.2004

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