re. Thanks Chris and Stan
Message #862 by:  Youth sailor
Posted on:  Tuesday 20th of April 2004 at 4:54 pm
Hi Graham, i am a youth sailor in the Hobie 16 class. When i entered the class i bought an absolute dog of a boat as i did not know what i was looking for. The main problems to look for are leeky hulls/damaged hulls, state of the sails, whether the boat has internal or external travellers (internal are better), and the stifness of the hulls. As for sail numbers. This can be desceptive as when new sails are purchased, new sail numbers are given! Generally (without knowing too much about this), i would assume that if you looked at numbers above 100000 then this may be ok. I would try to get to an event and look at boats competing before buying anything though!!! Stan also has some valuable comments but i will not air my views on these issues. Happy hunting

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Messages in this thread:
new second hand Hobie by Graham T on 31.03.2004
     If I may, Graham... by Sneaky Stan on 06.04.2004
     Second Hand by Chris on 06.04.2004
          Thanks Chris and Stan by Graham T on 07.04.2004
               re. Thanks Chris and Stan by Youth sailor on 20.04.2004

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