single hander
Message #723 by:  Shadow man
Posted on:  Monday 8th of December 2003 at 3:36 pm
the FX Oone is good, with the Inter 17 being extremely
heavy for its size.
The ultimate single habder has to be the Shadow, by
Loday White weighing in at 95kilos, very easy to
manage ashore and easy to right with 75kilos.
The hulls are less prone to damage than the fragile
fxone hulls.
The shadow rates at 1.07 SCHRS
there is a good fleet building, and you can get a demo
by ringing Loday White who are very helpful.
Forget the inter 17 straight off!

the shadow-man!

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie FX One by Possible Convert? on 07.12.2003
     single hander by Shadow man on 08.12.2003
          fx1 by ben on 11.12.2003
               there speaks a hobie employee! by shadow man on 11.12.2003
     Righting FX1's by Oceanhippie on 18.12.2003

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