Hobie FX One
Message #721 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 7th of December 2003 at 10:08 am
Hi, I wonder if you could offer me some much needed advice? I'm curently a Nacra F18 sailor, but due to crewing issues as I work abroad a lot I'm thinking of making the change to a single handed cat, so can anyone offer me any advice on why I should choose the Hobie FX One over an Inter 17? What are the major advantages/disadvantages of the FX One? The only thing that worries me about converting to a single hander is capsizing? I weigh 75Kg, will this be a problem when the inevitable happens!? Should this even be a consideration or is it all about righting technique? Many Thanks

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie FX One by Possible Convert? on 07.12.2003
     single hander by Shadow man on 08.12.2003
          fx1 by ben on 11.12.2003
               there speaks a hobie employee! by shadow man on 11.12.2003
     Righting FX1's by Oceanhippie on 18.12.2003

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