Message #726 by:  ben
Posted on:  Thursday 11th of December 2003 at 5:05 am
if ur worried by the problem of righting the fx1 then buy the righting pole to fit underneath the tramp.it causes litle disurbance nd is very easy to use.the fx has many advantges over the shadow.it is longer nd therefore beta in lighter winds with longer daggers nd bigger kite its beta downwind nd up than the shadow.it is also capable of sailing two up- useful in strong winds.its also got a beta back up service nd international status than the shadow.my advise is to try bot nd then decide.i have to say i was hooked on the fx tho in a f3-4.nothing is quicker!ben

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie FX One by Possible Convert? on 07.12.2003
     single hander by Shadow man on 08.12.2003
          fx1 by ben on 11.12.2003
               there speaks a hobie employee! by shadow man on 11.12.2003
     Righting FX1's by Oceanhippie on 18.12.2003

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