What cat to buy
Message #35 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 7th of February 2002 at 9:15 pm
My boat (a solo) hasn't got enough hulls and I'm wanting to buy a cat. Most of the time I am likely to sail single handed although I would prefer a boat that can sail two up. I am 11.5st and have only been sailing a couple of years so I want something that is reasonably easy to handle. I am considering a Dart 15 but would like other idea's and comparisons.



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Messages in this thread:
What cat to buy by Anonymous on 07.02.2002
     RE: What cat to buy by James Power on 07.02.2002
          RE: RE: What cat to buy by Steve Lindley on 11.02.2002
               RE: RE: RE: What cat to buy by Chris Browning on 11.02.2002
                    RE:RE: ----- by Anonymous on 20.01.2003
               RE: RE: RE: What cat to buy by Anonymous on 14.02.2002
                    RE: RE: RE: RE: What cat to buy by Ross Edmondson on 14.02.2002
                         RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: What cat to buy by Anonymous on 15.02.2002
                              RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: What cat to buy by Ross Edmondson on 17.02.2002
          RE: RE: What cat to buy by Steve Lindley on 11.02.2002

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