Here's some answers
Message #770 by:  Ben Mansfield
Posted on:  Thursday 5th of February 2004 at 3:47 pm

The optimum weight for Hobie 16 is between 128 and 136 kilograms.

There are two different oppinions on whether you should then set up the jib, then the main or do the reverse. personally i set the jib, then the main as i believe it to be the best method. You should probably sail with your shrouds on the second hole from the bottom of the chain plate with the jib set on hole two at the front. you should then, as a rough guide pull the rig tenssion on until the rig is tight.

you must then set the jib sliders around 3 or 4 inchches out board of the stops. place the jib blocks on the hole that creates a sheeting angle where the jib sheet, if continued would cross the mid point of the luff.

you should then pull the main up and go sailing

P.S. if you want to find out more come to the trainning sessions at weymouth throughout this winter/spring (next one this weekend) the form is avalible in trainning on this web site

If you're looking for a boat 105509 is a good one

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Messages in this thread:
Weight requirement for a Hobie 16 by confused on 05.02.2004
     Here's some answers by Ben Mansfield on 05.02.2004
          sixteen setings by Jimbo on 09.02.2004
               I agree by Ben on 18.02.2004

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