hobie shute
Message #516 by:  Ben
Posted on:  Tuesday 3rd of June 2003 at 9:32 pm
I dont know how it was done cos i think gav colby did that bit. Ours was rigged to the standard spec so id imagine it was done that way. the rivit will be fine so long as its done properly. it will probly be stronger than any other means. As for pitchpoling it will be hard to do with the kite up as i found that it lifts the bows very well even when sailing high. good luck

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H16 Chute system by jon on 02.06.2003
     hobie shute by ben on 03.06.2003
          hobie chute by jon on 03.06.2003
               hobie shute by Ben on 03.06.2003

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