Stupid Questions
Message #447 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 10th of March 2003 at 4:42 pm
I'm just trying to enter the hobie cat market, but first i have a few stupid questions I need answering...

Firstly I assumer the number (ie Hobie 16 or 17 etc) refers to the length or width of a cat, which would be suitable for a 22 year old novice just starting out?

Secondly I have noticed a big difference in prices between the SE and LE and the "race".
What exactly is the difference?

Thanks loads if anyone can answer these dumb questions It'll really help.


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Messages in this thread:
Stupid Questions by Ash on 10.03.2003
     Answers by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 10.03.2003
          Cheers. by Ash on 11.03.2003

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