the calendar
Message #416 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 2nd of January 2003 at 11:31 am
Ellen, great ideas.

If the northern circuit can send the dates confirmed for 2003 to me, we'll add them to the calendar.

The events that are run by the association this year are actually follow ons from past years, where we have traditionally tended to use cat opens to set the calendar - it takes a lot of the organisation away from Class Association volunteers.

The Committee would like to organise more, but we need class members to be prepared to travel, which is part of the thinking behind getting the schedule sorted earlier this year. If we can't get fleets of 20+, our bargaining power as a Class with Clubs is next to useless. We will be monitoring attendance this year and, if the numbers are sufficient, we may be able to run more stuff as a Class next year.... and not have to rely on the mandatory attendance of youth sailors to balance the books.

Thanks for your offer of help with planning the circuit...we'll be in touch!


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Messages in this thread:
website + calendar for 2003 by Ellen Forshaw on 05.12.2002
     the calendar by viv nichols on 02.01.2003
          Scottish & North East Cat events by Kami Marshall on 16.01.2003
               the calendar by Viv nichols on 25.01.2003

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