Message #412 by:  ben
Posted on:  Thursday 5th of December 2002 at 7:36 pm
I think u will find that its only a few select individuals pushing for the change not the entire class association. We still dont know wot other associations think about the subject of adopting the kite. Remember the testing still isnt finished-Brian only got his kite kit early which is still a prototype dont forget, on the condition that he tries nd tests it and gives the responces nd evaluations to gav. This suggests to me that little testing or certainly not enuf testing has been done. Therefore can we make an informed decision on a major change that hasnt even been tested fully and finalised yet??????

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 Genniker by Justin Martin on 04.12.2002
     Geniker by Kearnsy on 05.12.2002
          kites by ben on 05.12.2002
     H16 kite by Mark Farrow on 10.12.2002

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