RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers
Message #316 by:  James Power
Posted on:  Thursday 29th of August 2002 at 9:00 pm
Qualification for a gold fleet position at any International event was always done by position in the previous years Nationals. At the felixstowe nationals AGM it was decided that sailors would also have to attend at least 4 TT's during the following year to encourage sailing and supporting the events.

Since there is a new committe I suspect these rules will change, but would probably follow something similar, since it encourages people to sail the TT events.

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Messages in this thread:
Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by Ben Cutlersharp on 26.08.2002
     RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by Mark Farrow on 27.08.2002
     RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by James Power on 29.08.2002

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