RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers
Message #312 by:  Mark Farrow
Posted on:  Tuesday 27th of August 2002 at 10:38 am

The pre-qual slots for any international regatta have always been selected from the previous years UK Nat's results by class.

The only exceptions to this are when there is a regatta where there is funding - like the ISAF's where there is a qualification procedure. i.e. two regattas to select from.

Sorry, can't help with the ISAF selection counting as a TT.

Hope this helps,


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Messages in this thread:
Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by Ben Cutlersharp on 26.08.2002
     RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by Mark Farrow on 27.08.2002
     RE: Europeans Gold fleet Pre qualifiers by James Power on 29.08.2002

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