Message #1100 by:  A Member
Posted on:  Thursday 4th of November 2004 at 4:46 pm
Ruths confidential list

Hi all,
Events for next year are still being finalised, Im not going to publish any unconfirmed events as this causes problems when they change but I know that a few
of you are anxious to know the calendar.
These events are all confirmed.

26th/27th March Rutland Hobie TT for all classes
28-31 March Hobie Tiger Worlds St.Barbara USA
4th-8th April Largs RYA Youth Nationals Hobie 16 only
28th April-1st May Eurocat Carnac France all classes
14th/15th May Rutland Cat Open
2nd/3rd July Eastbourne Cat Open
9th-15th July F18 Worlds Hook of Holland
1st-5th August Tiger Europeans, FX1 and Hobie 14 Gravedande Holland
12th August-19th August Hobie 16 and Dragoon Europeans Heilingenham,Germany
19th-21st August F18 Nationals Wothing
27th-29th August(2 days training before) Hobie Nationals (all classes) Restronguet Sailing Club,Falmouth
24th-25th September Pevensey Bay Hobie TT( with 505s) all classes
15th/16th October Grafham Cat Open
24th October-24th Nov Hobie 16 Worlds, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

I will keep eveyone updated and publish the full list to go on the website when it is finalised

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Messages in this thread:
F18 / Tiger Events next year. by Dave Williams on 02.11.2004
     F18/Tiger events 2005 by Ruth events sec on 02.11.2004
          Events by A Member on 03.11.2004
               Training and events by Dates on 03.11.2004
                    Events by Ruth on 03.11.2004
                         Events by Dave Cooper on 03.11.2004
                              Feedback by Dave Williams on 13.12.2004
                         Events by Johnoo on 03.11.2004
                              Johnoo - events by Tigerman on 04.11.2004
                                   Events by A Member on 04.11.2004
                                   Hobie dealer by Other Johno on 05.11.2004
                                        Johnoo - Which boat? by Tigerman on 06.11.2004
                                        Tippy Hobies by Anonymous on 11.01.2005
                    Dragoon 2005 Poster by Webmaster on 04.11.2004
                         events by dates on 09.11.2004
                              website by A Member on 10.11.2004

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