hobie twixxy vs dart 16
Message #1057 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 15th of September 2004 at 11:11 pm
No doubt youre biased (!) but are there any articles comparing and contrasting the above. Im a "just learning to sail must have a cat" person so not a lot of experience - I keep getting both of the above recommended and would like to try to make a choice sometime this century. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks.

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Messages in this thread:
hobie twixxy vs dart 16 by Gary Gibbs on 15.09.2004
     it depends. by j on 18.09.2004
     hobie twixxy vs dart 16 by Jono on 18.09.2004
          Hobie Police by Webmaster on 20.09.2004
     Twixxy vs Dart 16 by Neil on 08.11.2004

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