just do it!
Message #987 by:  go for it!
Posted on:  Monday 9th of August 2004 at 5:15 pm
if your crew is heavier than you, it is not a problem.
you only need 21-23 stone to be seriously competitive.
A 12 stone crew will be fine. (although it is perhaps
better to have the heavier person at the back)

great boat to get into cat sailing.
boat is depowerable to the extent that your weight will
not be a major hindrance in a big breeze, once you
have mastered it.

Failing that, have a pie or two!

Second hand boats are a real bargain. A really good
boat can be had for 4K, and a great club / beach boat
from 2K

just do it!! Big grins are to be had!

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Hobie 16 by Possibly insane on 09.08.2004
     just do it! by go for it! on 09.08.2004
          Hobie Purchase by Chris on 10.08.2004

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