Belium hobie tiger nats
Message #978 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 4th of August 2004 at 1:00 pm
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:10 pm Post subject: Belgium Tiger Nationals


Royal Belgium Sailing Club hosted the 2004 Hobie Nationals.
Race one saw the competitors sailing in a tricky 6-8 knots of breeze with a head on tide riping along at a similar speed as the breeze itself. Luc Hennebel (Bel 1423) sailed a good race to win the first heat. Australian Mark Laruffa (Aus 5) with a borrowed boat and crew were late to the start but managed to move through the fleet and finish 8th.
Race two was held in similar conditions saw the top 3 Tigers battle it out for poll position with Patrick Demesmaeker (Bel 1) with crew Italian Tornado and Hobie Factory sailor, Alberto Sonino finishing first. Bel 1423 second and Aus 5 third.
Race three saw Aus 5 first, Bel 1423 second.
All competitors were glad to see the end of the days racing due to the frustrating, testing conditions.
Racing was delayed on day two until after lunch where a building sea breeze of 12 knots came through, the tide was still there though.
The top three teams battled it out all day for first, second and third. With Aus 5 (Team Ronstan, Ullman Sails) eventually coming through as the overalll winner, followed by Bel 1423 and Bel 1 (Team Murphy&Nye) rounding out the top three. Only a couple of points seperated the top positions.
Regards from the Aussies in Belgium

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Belium hobie tiger nats by jesse dobie on 04.08.2004

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