Loch Ness Race
Message #946 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 6th of July 2004 at 4:01 pm
We are currently making provisions in the SI's for boats
not past a certain point at a certain time being turned
around early.
They will not be disqualified, but will receive a result in
the 'short course' event.
ANY boat not reaching the turning mark within the
specified time will be turned back, regardless of

In other words, Ian you are more than welcome! The
more the merrier!

Give me a call on 01383 823925 for more info. or drop
me an email

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Loch Ness Catamaran Race by Chris Browning on 29.06.2004
     Lock Ness Race by Ianc on 06.07.2004
          Loch Ness Race by Chris Browning on 06.07.2004

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