Message #942 by:  seriously
Posted on:  Monday 5th of July 2004 at 1:21 pm
Any join above the hounds is going to take a serious
amount of strain.
a sixteen mast loads up with lots of bend, and with no
spreaders or diamonds is designed to 'bounce'
particularly with low rig tension in high winds.
I think you are going to struggle to effect a repair that
isnt really heavy and involve a lot of sleeving and hefty
remember, extra weight up top, is a loy worse than
weight below, due to the huge leverage.
this will work to your disadvantage keeping the boat
upright side to side, but more importantly will make the
boat more prone to pitchpole in any chop, as t he boat
slows and the additional mast weight carries you over.

If you are qwith the right insurance company, you will be
able to get a replacement.

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 mast by spencer on 29.06.2004
     bit of mast? by get real on 29.06.2004
          mast by spencer on 30.06.2004
               Bent Mast by Webmaster on 05.07.2004
                    mast by seriously on 05.07.2004
                         2 Piece Mast by Hobie Old on 06.07.2004
                         dented mast by spencer on 23.07.2004

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