If Dr. Seuss sailed a Hobie.....
Message #826 by:  HOBIE THE POET
Posted on:  Monday 15th of March 2004 at 5:01 pm
If Dr. Seuss Sailed a Hobie
If your Hobie does a tumble when you fumble with the
And you pitchpole down a big hole and despair and
give up hope,
And you come up blowing water out of mouth and nose
and ear,
Then you'd better listen closely and my lesson really
If you do not follow orders but sit forward in a blow,
And your leeward bow starts diving down to join the fish
And you don't jump to the transom in an effort to correct,
Then you deserve a little dunking before you sail erect.
If you lose it when the wind blows and you end up in the
And all that freezing water puts your judgement on the
And you flip the mast right over so it tends again to sink,
Know you cannot sail a Hobie unless you really think.
But if your rudders start a'screamin' so they scare the
fish away,
And you're reachin' like a demon out across a
windswept bay,
And your windward hull is flyin' like an eagle in the sky,
Then you're on your way to "Hobie Day", you'll get there
if you try.
For the art of holding Hobies on the water when it blows
Is a skill that comes with practice, as everybody knows.
For the falling and the flying are all part of Hobie fun,
The wind's your master and your servant, when all is
said and done.

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Messages in this thread:
If Dr. Seuss sailed a Hobie..... by HOBIE THE POET on 15.03.2004
     gets my seal of approval by Andrew Motion on 15.03.2004
          Don't give up the day job by The Queen on 18.03.2004
               Very Factual by Ron on 18.03.2004

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