another fool
Message #812 by:  Andy
Posted on:  Tuesday 2nd of March 2004 at 9:30 pm
Look Peple; there is nofing rong with me engligh an grammor!!! ive been tort proppa!!

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Messages in this thread:
Boat 4 Youths by Tom on 26.02.2004
     Boat 4 Youths by Andy on 26.02.2004
          unbelievable! by Headmaster on 27.02.2004
               Hypocrite by Annon on 27.02.2004
                    another fool! by hmmm on 27.02.2004
                         another fool by Andy on 02.03.2004
                              Armageddinit Now by Pongo on 19.03.2004

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