Colour fast?
Message #782 by:  Mad Professor
Posted on:  Tuesday 17th of February 2004 at 8:24 am
Recent experiments published in a US Scientific
journal have shown that the colour yellow is the fastest
Madness, i hear you cry!
Apparently photons emitted by the colour yellow
(causing us to see it as yellow) have uniquely less
friction than other colours (other than black, which
technically is not a colour)
This allows anything yellow to pass through the air or
water with approximately 0.001% less friction, and
therefore faster.
Ever been in a club race when the old 70's yellow
hulled boat has got away? now you know why.
Applying this directly to sailing 'boffins' have determined
that this has little or no impact at any speed, but in very
light wind conditions the effect is apparent, and a yellow
hulled boat with yellow sails will have a significant
The ultimate is to have a boat that is truly black,
although this is harder to achieve than you may think.
White is the 'slowest' colour, and any salt deposits or
fading of a truly black finish will nullify any gains.
So why all the white sails these days?!!

Just some musings for your winter down-time.


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Messages in this thread:
Colour fast? by Mad Professor on 17.02.2004
     colourful story by 'Boffin' on 18.02.2004
          wow!! by 16's forever forever on 03.03.2004

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