Hobie 16 for sale.
Message #78 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 10th of March 2002 at 2:01 pm
Hobie 16 "double trouble", three sets of sails, one brand new (new set costs £1300), new rudder, new carbon tiller, 1 1/2 yrs old mast, mesh tramp, trolley, excellent looking boat. Bargain £2,300, [email protected], 01903776538

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 for sale. by Matt Quaife on 10.03.2002
     RE: Hobie 16 for sale. by Anonymous on 21.03.2002
          RE: RE: Hobie 16 for sale. by Anonymous on 24.03.2002
               RE: RE: RE: Hobie 16 for sale. by Ben Cutlersharp on 24.03.2002

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