hobie 15
Message #687 by:  Ben Cutler-Sharp
Posted on:  Monday 10th of November 2003 at 7:59 pm
I know i worked for hobie this summer but as no one else is replying heres my views on the boat.(I have probaby used the club version more than anyone in this country!)As an instructor i used the hobie 15 club and normal versions this summer in a variety conditions.the 15 can easily take 2 adults.I on several occasions was teaching with 4 adults including myself on board and it handled fine.It is not the quickest of boats and is very forgiving to imperfect technique which is why it is ideal for beginners and teaching.its 16 style curved bows make it very forgiving to tacking and gybing making it probably the easiest cat out there to tack.however it is still a powerful boat and in the right hands can be made to go quick enough for most and will punish very bad technique.Many of the clubs we have sold have bin to families looking for a people carring boat that is fun to sail.another point about the 15 is that it is extremely low maintanence.after looking underneath our abused school 15 at the end of a long season tere was very little damaged despite being dragged around a sand/stoney beach!
compared to the 16 which cant realy handle more than 2 adults on board due to the low volume hulls, the 15 club is slower but significantly easier to sail.the choice realy depends on what you are looking to do.if there is just gona be 2 people and you looking for speed then go for the 16.if you could be taking mor than 2 out on a regular basis and performance isnt too much of an issue then go for the 15.
hope that helps

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New Hobie Cat 15 Club by Michael Bowman on 06.11.2003
     hobie 15 by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 10.11.2003

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