RE: Hobie TT Bognor Regis 9/10 march
Message #68 by:  Chris Sproat
Posted on:  Tuesday 26th of February 2002 at 9:55 am
If you look at the home page the notice of race is there under major events. We would like you to come and race.

Cheers Chris

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie TT Bognor Regis 9/10 march by Ross Edmondson on 24.02.2002
     RE: Hobie TT Bognor Regis 9/10 march by Chris Sproat on 26.02.2002
          RE: RE: Hobie TT Bognor Regis 9/10 march by Ross Edmondson on 26.02.2002
               RE: RE: RE: Hobie TT Bognor Regis 9/10 march by James Power on 27.02.2002

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