The crew!
Message #642 by:  Kearnsy
Posted on:  Friday 3rd of October 2003 at 11:36 am
Get your crew to keep the end of the mainsheet clear of you when sailing because they dont have to worry about helming which leaves you to concentrate on keeping the bow clear of the waves.
As to standing on the deck behind the tramp, there is really no point. If your on a broad reach then maybe try to get your crew on the wire and you stay in, a bit like the tornado's do but obviously with out their genniker! If its really quite broad then you shouldnt be on the wire anyway, either of you. Its not quicker as you end up going higher to keep yourself clear of the waves and its also unstable as you are on the wire.

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Gromet type questions by Dave on 30.09.2003
     The crew! by Kearnsy on 03.10.2003
          Trapeezing on reach by Ben Mansfield on 08.10.2003

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