hobiecat21 located in Brazil
Message #601 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 28th of August 2003 at 1:01 pm
This one was one of tho hobies that goes to ROUTE AUSTRAL EXPEDITION, south america in 2000/01 crusing the Cabo Horn.
There was imported from California with documents and complete acessories. Perfect conservation. ready to sail. come with new extra white sails (big and buja).
Free on board. Further details and photo please back.

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Messages in this thread:
Looking for Hobie Cat 21 by Thomas on 24.08.2003
     hobiecat21 located in Brazil by eduardo on 28.08.2003
     Hobie Cat 21 For Sale by Anonymous on 28.11.2003
     Hobie 21 / 039 for sale by Joe on 09.04.2004

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